Liczba ozdrowieńców ogółem/ w ostatniej dobie: 185/0


Dodany: 2020-12-23
Kategoria: Geodezja

Tagi dla artykułu

Liczba ozdrowieńców (ogółem/ w ostatniej dobie): 185/0

Liczba osób, u których stwierdzono wynik dodatni (ogółem/ w ostatniej dobie): 195/3

+20 pkt

Nazwisko i imię (imiona),

Geodezja Mysłowice. The earliest epitaphs date back to the years 1742-1744, whereas the most recent ones date back to ca. Abstract: The author outlines her memory of the last period of life of Professor Lucyna Frąckiewicz, less than three years when She worked in the Upper Silesian University of Education in Mysłowice. Abstract: The article contains an epigraphical analysis of five epitaphs from the Church of the Nativity of Our Lady in Mysłowice: the epitaph of Katarzyna Salomonowa, of Father Michał Gosławski, of Father Jerzy Antoni Mieroszewski, of the married couple Felicjan and Helena z Łętowskich Mieroszewscy, of Kunegunda ze Zborowskich Mieroszewska and the one dedicated to the memory of Krzysztof Mieroszewski.

Geodezja Sosnowiec. The author also presented an interpretation of the extra-inscriptional elements of the epitaphs such as: coats of arms and heraldic elements, portraits of the deceased and ornamental motifs. A majuscule script is visible in the epigraphs of Katarzyna Salomonowa, Father Michał Gosławski, Krzysztof Mieroszewski and Father Jerzy Antoni Mieroszewski. Katarzyna Salomonowa, Priest Michał Gosławski and Priest Jerzy Antoni Mieroszewski, are concerned, they were written in Latin, whereas the two remaining inscriptions were written in Polish. 1880. All of the epitaphs, regardless of the date they were created, were made of black marble, the so- called Cracow marble. This all creates very good conditions to practice horse riding in cities of Upper Silesia region. Additionally, there is a horse riding association which integrates horse-riders and cares for equestrian tradition and culture. The aim of paper is analysis of functional changes in the area of south part of major functional center of Mysłowice town at 1913 and 2013. Studies were conducted on the base of functional maps and their comparative analysis.